How To Hang Jeans? (Step-by-step Guide With Pictures)

We advise hanging your jeans in your closet if you have room for it. With all the clothes you own, however, space may be at a premium. Folding your jeans and placing them into a cubby or drawer is a great way to store them if there isn’t much room to hang them.

To learn the proper way to hang jeans, keep reading.

How to Hang Jeans on Hanger?

1. Grab a Standard Hanger

Take a typical clothing hanger. A triangle-shaped hanger is a traditional design. In addition to a horizontal bar at the bottom, it has two diagonal bars.

How To Hang Jeans? (Step-by-step Guide With Pictures)

2. Fold the Jeans in Half

Fold the jeans vertically in half. Verify that the seat of the jeans is on the outside and the hand pockets are inside.

How To Hang Jeans? (Step-by-step Guide With Pictures)

3. Hook Your Hanger over Something Stable

Put your hanger over a sturdy object, like the lip of a door frame or a closet rod. You will be able to hang the object using both hands if you do this.

How To Hang Jeans? (Step-by-step Guide With Pictures)

4. Slip the Jeans through the Hanger

By the leg portion, drape the jeans across the bar using the hanger. The should be in contact with the cuffs is the waistband.

How To Hang Jeans? (Step-by-step Guide With Pictures)

5. Adjust the Jeans as Needed

The jeans need to be adjusted if you notice them falling off the hanger. Pull either the ankles or the waistband. Continue doing this until the jeans are securely hanging across the bar.

How To Hang Jeans? (Step-by-step Guide With Pictures)

6. Secure With Clothespin (optional)

You can use a clothespin to keep your jeans on if they keep slipping off. Over the horizontal bar, secure it with one or more clothespins.

How To Hang Jeans? (Step-by-step Guide With Pictures)

7. Put Hung Jeans Away

Put the jeans in your closet.

How To Hang Jeans? (Step-by-step Guide With Pictures)

How to Hang Jeans on a Hanger With Clips?

1. Get a Hanger With Clips Attached to It.

However, unless you use padding (like index cards), these hangers may leave some imprints on leather or pleather pants. They are suitable for most pants, especially jeans.

2. If Your Jeans Are Too Wide for Your Hanger, Fold Them in Half Vertically.

Fold your jeans in half vertically, then in half horizontally, if your closet is short on vertical space. By the knee portion, you will be catching them.

3. Clip the Jeans by the Waistband to the Hanger.

The distance between each clip and the outside edge of the waistband should be approximately one inch (2.54 centimeters). Many hangers have movable clips. In both directions, they can move across the bar. As required, reposition the clips.

4. Place the Jeans Inside Your Closet.

Consider hanging them so that the hook’s curved part faces you.

How to Hang Jeans on a Clamping Pants Hanger?

1. Get a Clamping Pants Hanger.

These typically consist of two horizontal bars that pull together and are made of wood. They are perfect for hanging dress pants, but they also work great for jeans.

2. Fold the Jeans in Half Vertically.

When wearing jeans, the seat should be on the outside and the hand pockets inside.

3. Open the Hanger.

Grab the hanger’s hook portion and pull it in your direction. Open up the two horizontal bars.

4. Place the Cuffs Between the Bars.

Not by the waist, but by the cuffs, you’ll hang the jeans. This is due to the obstruction caused by large items like buttons and zippers. They prevent the hanger from fully closing together.

5. Close the Hanger and Place It in Your Closet.

Reposition the hook portion so that it faces away from you and the hanger.


You need a clothing hanger before you can hang your jeans. Metal, plastic, or wood are the available options. Lay your jeans flat, fold one leg over the other, and then grab the cuffs of the legs. As the waist and cuffs hang close to one another, slide the leg through the clothing hanger until it is perfectly balanced. then store your jeans.